preventive conservation
Find below the portfolio projects related to preventive conservation:
Mrs. Daydí Pastel portrait by Fèlix Mestres
Conservation of pastel drawing on paper and cardboard by Spanish painter Felix Mestres. Portrait of Mrs. Carolina Daydí. Dry cleaning, mould removal with HEPA vacuuming, in-painting of foxing stains.
Case for artist book
Owner: Private collection Artefact: [...]
Tailored workshop: Photographs, carte-de-visite and autographs conservation (Premià, 2022)
Tailored workshop: Conservation of photographs, cdv and autographs. General treatments (dry cleaning, tear repair, flattening). Chemical aspects of conservation (deacidification, chelating agents).
Preservation, housing, mounting and framing artwork on paper (Valls, 2021)
Which is the best way to preserve paper artefacts? How are they mounted and framed for exhibition? Technical session explaining products, materials & techniques.
Workshop: Preservation, housing, mounting and framing artwork on paper (Tortosa, 2021)
Which is the best way to preserve paper artefacts? How are they mounted and framed for exhibition? Technical session explaining products, materials & techniques.
Assessment on the conservation of Swamiji’s manuscripts
Assessment on preventive conservation, housing, storage, digitization, exhibition and possibilities of conservation of Swamiji's manuscripts from Vedanta Academy historical archive.
Housing and Mounting Photographs for Exhibition (Barcelona, 2020)
Practice and theory session in which we'll see different materials related to housing and framing for the exhibition of photographs: adhesives, boards, cardboards, folders, plastics, glasses, sealing foils, passe-partouts... We'll speak about reversibility, "acid-free" and "archival" products and much more!
Light bleaching: Conservation of Picasso print
Owner: Private collector Object: [...]
Workshop: Introduction to paper conservation (Sentmenat, 2020)
Introductory workshop to paper conservation (International Archives Day).
Workshop: Housing and Mounting Photographs for Exhibition (Barcelona, 2019)
Practice and theory session in which we'll see different materials related to housing and framing for the exhibition of photographs: adhesives, boards, cardboards, folders, plastics, glasses, sealing foils, passe-partouts... We'll speak about reversibility, "acid-free" and "archival" products and much more!
Technical translation English → Spanish
Client: Apache. Project: Technical translation from [...]
Conservation of architectural drawings on tracing paper, by Fernando Higueras
Owner: Association of Architects of [...]
Workshop: Housing and Mounting Photographs for Exhibition (Barcelona, 2019)
Practice and theory session in which we'll see different materials related to housing and framing for the exhibition of photographs: adhesives, boards, cardboards, folders, plastics, glasses, sealing foils, passe-partouts... We'll speak about reversibility, "acid-free" and "archival" products and much more!
Mould treatment and conservation of archive holdings
Owner: Diputació de Barcelona. Object: Archive [...]
Mould treatment on documents from Tibidabo archive
Beneficiaris: Ajuntament de Barcelona (Arxiu Municipal, [...]
Parchment mansucripts conservation from Mas Oliveres holding
[translation pending] Beneficiari: Arxiu Comarcal del [...]
Emergency salvage of flooded archive (Gràcia district)
[translation pending] Beneficiari: Ajuntament de [...]
Microbiological treatment at the archive of Sants-Montjuïc
El fons era susceptible d’haver patit un atac microbiològic, pel que fou necessari un diagnòstic, un tractament preventiu i també curatiu de desinfecció. Es va fer una supervisió de les condicions climàtiques prèvies, durant el tractament, el trasllat i en el nou espai. Un cop finalitzada la desinfecció i trasllat, es van implementar protocols de mesura i control de les condicions ambientals i d’emmagatzematge per a garantir una llarga conservació de la documentació. El tractament es va fer sobre 1.200 capses d'arxiu, 125 carpetes de gran format amb cartells, 30 tubs amb plànols, 1.950 llibres, 185 obres emmarcades i 300 objectes i paquets embolicats.
Mould treatment at Sants-Montjuïc Municipal archive
El fons administratiu de l’arxiu de Sants-Montjuïc fou traslladat a la seu actual del C. Creu-Coberta, 104, prèvia rehabilitació. El fons havia patit un atac microbiològic pel que fou necessari un diagnòstic i un tractament curatiu de desinfecció. Es va fer una supervisió de les condicions climàtiques prèvies, durant el tractament, el trasllat i en el nou espai.
Filter project by:
artwork on paper
maps, plans (architectural drawings)
board or paper artefacts
bindings conservation
fragmentology (membra disjecta)
recycled binding
limp parchment binding
paperback books
sewn unsupported with drawn-on covers
stationery bindings
holdings (archive/library)
silver-gelatine paper photographs
book conservation
housing, mounting and framing paper artworks
introduction to paper conservation
Matching infills & retouching
photograph conservation
tailored conservation course
wet treatments
ball-point pen
charcoal, pastel
felt-tip pen
graphite, pencil